Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Ancient Art of Wood Carving

We live in a place filled with billions of trees, and because of its availability, wood are an easy source for material for artisans. For centuries nature doesn’t disappoint us for its countless purposes, from food to housing, even provided with something that makes our imagination run free. Wood Carving and Wood Art are considered as an ancient and contemporary art form. Wood has been used to create functional objects and magnificent sculpture.

Our ancestors built their first home and some of the structures and even the first civilization out of wood. Because of the organic nature of wood, early civilization had managed to artistically explore its many characteristics, despite not having any modern-day tool and types of machinery.

Artists had always been fascinated by the extensive array of wood, and to date, it continues as one of the vital element of architecture. Wood is used almost in infinite ways from building houses and boasts to creating great accents in infrastructure, ornamental items, and even unique artisan art pieces. Some of the great wood pieces from various historical eras are still displayed in museums scattered in a different part of the world. Even in its simplest and most organic form, would never fail to amaze people. 

Wood carving is considered as one of the most ancient arts in the entire human history. Experts say it began since the first men of a pre-historical era as a fundamental woodwork method. Wood art designs on the other hand first started during the time when people began building homes and other infrastructures as household items and beautiful decorative designs. 

Because of its versatility, wood is a favorite among artisans. Wood as a very light material that can take any very fine detail to shape and it’s easier to work with than stone. As fascinating as it looks, wood art isn’t easy to make, it involves a number of methods and tools on top of a very imaginative mind. Turning raw pieces of wood is a process on its own. Traditional wood carvers use knives, chisel, hammers, and gouges. Then they need to refine it as smooth as possible using sanding, painting techniques that need years to master. 

Next time you see any wood art, take time to marvel at its beauty. Appreciate the time the artisans have dedicated to making such intricate design. Check some of our creative and unique wood art here.

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